• Holy Innocents Church, circa 1927
    Water color by Alexis Stypa
    8 ROTATE
    Holy Innocents Church, circa 1927 Water color by Alexis Stypa
    THE VENERABLE MOTHER LUISITA PRAYED HERE Founded the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart /mother-luisita _self
    BL. PEDRO de SAN ELIAS, OCD, MARTYR He visited Holy Innocents in 1927
    THE LATE CARDINAL LEVADA WAS BAPTIZED HERE Received his First Communion and served as an Altar Boy http://www.vatican.va/news_services/press/documentazione/documents/cardinali_biografie/cardinali_bio_levada_wj_en.html _blank
    DAILY TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS Click HERE /new-mass-confession-schedule-effective-july-3 _self
    K through 12 CLASSICAL EDUCATION AT H.I.S. Click here for more information http://www.lbcatholicschool.com _self
    'CHRISTMAS SAINTS' STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS The Holy Magi http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09527a.htm _blank
    Mother Luisita Mosaic Overlooking Pasadena Avenue /mother-luisita _self
    OUR HISTORIC CHURCH Home to a Saint and to a Prince of the Church /our-story _self
    FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, CIRCA 1924 The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host. --Fulton Sheen http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Eucharist.htm _blank
    FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, A CENTURY LATER "‘I love You, and I give myself to You for ever." -St. Therese' First Holy Communion
    CLICK HERE TO DONATE ONLINE Credit Card, Debit Card, Personal Check /donate-online _self
    SUPPORT OUR RESTORATION PROJECTS Click here to make a donation /donate-online _self
    ALL MASSES ARE OFFERED AD ORIENTEM Communion rail allows for kneeling to receive the Sacred Host /ad-orientem-worship _self